Encryption License Application
Information for the Applicant
This is an On-Line process for submitting an Encryption License Application.
In order to offer you the best service please fill out the form with the most accuracy.
Field marked with
are required fields.
At the end of the process you will be asked to e-mail a technical description of the product, such as an original
Datasheet or White-Paper from the manufacturer.
We can not process the application without the technical information so we recommend that you prepare them
in advance.
It is recommended that the supporting technical information will be sent to us in a known format such as rtf, doc or pdf.
If this is the first time that you apply for an Encryption License you should also send us a sign applicant declaration,
this is a one-time declaration and it is valid for all future applications.
Applicant's Declaration.
If details such as Company's CEO or Company's name have changed, you're prompted to apply
attached above with the recent details and send it to our office.
For more information please call us at 972-73-3531029.
This On-Line process is secured by a 128Bit SSL encryption. Please contact the IMOD Encryption Control Unit if you
wish to coordinate the transfer of such messages or information by an alternative means.